Smoke Report

I have been asked by some of my loyal readers to give a smoke report for the Reno/Tahoe/Carson area. It seems the local weather people are unwilling to commit to anything. Since I do not get paid to do this, I will tell you what the models and wind forecasts are telling me. Let's hope they are wrong. We have been in a straight southerly flow. That means our winds are straight out of the south. We are due north of the Rim/Yosemite fire and the wind has made a beeline to our area (DA!). I am seeing a change over that should result in a westerly flow, however, this will be short lived. This could improve conditions slightly for the next 12 hours or so. However we still have a very stubborn ridge of high pressure that does not look like it will move until Labor Day ... sorry. The GFS model has a low pressure system coming into our area. Buyer beware: the more reliable EC model has that system staying further north. In any event, it should be enough to push the smoke out by early...