Winter Starts Again Thursday

Do not be fooled by this nice stretch of weather; El Nino is still out there which means the potential for winter storms is still very strong. One such winter storm will show up very early on Thursday morning: This is a very strong storm for this time of year and will usher in a pattern change that will last a week and put our nice stretch of weather far in the rear view mirror. As you can see by the map above, a series of storms is headed our way with the final storm in the series due about a week from today. This pattern change will usher in much cooler and much more unstable air. That means very windy over the course of the next week with snow levels at times approaching 5,500 feet! What is amazing about this pattern change, occurring in the middle of May, is the amount of precip that is coming with it. Here is the precip forecast for the next week. Folks, we could see up to 5 feet of snow in the Western Crest of the High Sierra I believe Slide Mountain will pick...